Week Ending 10/15/10
I met with my UIC mentor, Dr. Nadine Peacock, this week and we devised a strategy for the first steps of my data analysis. She was so encouraging about what I was able to get done in Ghana even though it is a small project. I am excited to start transcribing my interviews and start analyzing. It is also a good experience working with qualitative data, since most of my work in research has previously been done with quantitative data.
My CHSC course was cancelled for the week, so I just worked on some online assignments and surveys. In epidemiology we have an exam next week so I am finishing up the assignment for this week and preparing for the exam. In my global health course, we discussed men’s health. It was really interesting because there has been a lot of focus on women’s health and there is even a concentration offered in it at UIC, but men’s health has been relatively neglected.